外国人相談窓口(がいこくじんそうだんまどぐち)をはじめました We have just opened a consultation counter for foreigners.
At any time, you can ask staffs on not only any problem in your life but also any procedure at the town hall in various languages.
However, we are not able to help you as an interpreter outside the town hall.
Please come to the town hall or call the town hall.
* For the talk, it doesn’t cost you. It’s free. However, it costs you for the fee of a phone call.
場所(ばしょ) Location |
八千代町大字菅谷(やちよまちおおあざすげのや)1170 八千代町役場(やちよまちやくば)1階(かい) ※入口(いりぐち)はいって、すぐ右(みぎ)にあります 1170 Sugenoya, Yachiyo-machi The 1st floor of Yachiyo town hall *It’s located on the right side of the entrance. |
時間(じかん)と曜日(ようび) Business days and hours |
午前(ごぜん)9時(じ)から12時(じ)/午後(ごご)1時(じ)から5時(じ) 火よう日と金よう日は相談員(そうだんいん)が日本語(にほんご)と英語(えいご)で話(はなし)をききます。 ※日本語(にほんご)と英語(えいご)いがいは、通訳機器(つうやくきき)をつかいます。相談員(そうだんいん)がいない日は、町職員(まちしょくいん)が話(はなし)をききます。 From 9:00 a.m. to12:00 p.m., and from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. On Tuesday and Friday, the counsellor attends to what you say in either Japanese or English. *Otherwise, the person uses translators.If the person is away, town hall staff attend to you. |
休(やす)み Holidays |
土よう日・日よう日・祝日(しゅくじつ)・年末年始(ねんまつねんし) Saturday, Sundays, National holidays, and New Year holidays |
Tel. | 0296-48-1664 |
電話(でんわ)のとき On the phone
For example, on the phone, if you call the number on Tuesday and Friday, the counsellor attends to you in either Japanese or English. If you prefer other languages, please come to the consultation counter at the town hall.
If the counsellor is out of the day, the town hall staff attend to you only in Japanese on the phone. If you prefer other languages,please come to the town hall.
* It costs you for the fee of a phone call.
対応言語(たいおうげんご)Supported language
Supported languages are Japanese, English, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamizes, Nepali, Indonesian, Thai, Khmer,Burmese,Mongolian, French, Sinhalese, Urdu, and Russian.
外国人相談窓口(がいこくじんそうだんまどぐち)スケジュール(すけじゅーる) A consultation schedule for foreigners
スケジュール(すけじゅーる)【にほんご】 [PDF形式/109.31KB]
schedule【English】 [PDF形式/37.52KB]
- schedule【English】PDF形式/37.52KB
- スケジュール(すけじゅーる)【にほんご】PDF形式/109.31KB
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- 2024年6月18日
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